You are reading the documentation for the version 2 of the ShapeDiver viewer API. Free support for this viewer version will be discontinued on June 1st, 2024.

Please refer to the version 3 documentation here. See also the migration guide from version 2 to version 3 here.

Interface: ApiExportInterface


ShapeDiver Viewer - Export API

The export api is part of the global API.

It allows to

  • get the definition of currently registered exports,
  • request exports, and
  • add and remove listeners for related events.


addEventListener(type, callback)

Add a callback to be invoked when a certain event occurs

Name Type Description
type ExportEventType

Type of event to subscribe to

callback EventListenerCallback

Function to be called when the event fires

Type Description

APIResponse with an EventListenerToken object. The event listener token can be used to remove the event listener by calling removeEventListener.


Get all export definitions

Type Description

APIResponse with an array of export definitions


Remove an event listener

Name Type Description
token EventListenerToken

event listener token for event listener to be removed

Type Description

APIResponse with a Boolean data, indicating whether the event listener could be removed.

requestAsync(requestObject [, payload])

Requests an export for current parameter values.

Name Type Argument Description
requestObject ExportRequestObject

Object defining the export request.

payload * <optional>

Payload which will be passed through to the response and events related to a call of this function.

Type Description

APIResponse with a export result object.

updateProperties( [definitions])

Update properties of registered exports.

The following properties can be updated: name, order, hidden This function will fail in case no unique export can be found for each export definition given.

Name Type Argument Description
definitions Array.<ExportDefinition> <optional>

updated export definitions

Type Description

APIResponse with its data set to a boolean according to success or error


<readonly> EVENTTYPE :ExportEventType

Enum for supported export event types.

Name Type Default Description
AVAILABLE ExportEventType available

the result of an export has become available

REGISTERED ExportEventType registered

a new export has been registered

UPDATE ExportEventType update

the definition of an export has been updated, typically one of the properties name or order or hidden

STATUS ExportEventType status

status event for an ongoing export

<readonly> RESULT :ExportRequestResult

Enum for export request result.

Name Type Default Description
EXPORT_NOT_FOUND ExportRequestResult export_not_found

the export was not found

PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND ExportRequestResult plugin_not_found

the plugin responsible to handle the export request was not found

ERROR ExportRequestResult error

the export request failed

CACHE ExportRequestResult cache

the export request can be answered from the local cache

LOAD ExportRequestResult load

the export request needs to be loaded from somewhere

Type Definitions


Definition of an export

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
id String

unique id of export

plugin String

plugin runtime id of export

name String

name of export

_name String <optional>

original name of the export, will be set in case the export name got changed from its original value

type String

type of export, currently we support 'email', 'download', and 'shapeways'

hidden Boolean <optional>

must exist and be true if the export should be hidden from the ui

order Number <optional>

optional number used for ordering exports in the ui


Export event type, see EVENTTYPE for values

  • String


Data required for requesting an export

  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
id String <optional>

id of export, takes precedence over idOrName and name

idOrName String <optional>

id or name of export, takes precedence over name

name String <optional>

name of export, last priority after id and idOrName

plugin String <optional>

runtime id of plugin the export belongs to

silent Boolean <optional>

if true, do not display any information about the export to the user


Export request result, see RESULT for values

  • String


Definition of the object resulting from a finished export, or from a status of an ongoing export

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
id String

unique id of the export

plugin String

plugin runtime id of export

name String

name of the export

type String

type of export, currently we support 'email', 'download', and 'shapeways'

msg String <optional>

optional status message for the export, e.g. describing server side progress or status

version String <optional>

version id of the export

filename String <optional>

optional filename to be used for files which are part of content (FILENAME.FILETYPE)

content Array.<ExportResultContentItem> <optional>

will be set once the export has been finished for type 'download'. Typically this array has only one entry.

result Object <optional>

optional object describing the result of the export for types 'email' and 'shapeways'

Name Type Argument Description
msg String <optional>

optional message to display to the user

err String <optional>

optional error message to display to the user

href String <optional>

optional link to direct the user to

modelId String <optional>

optional ShapeWays model id

resultcode ExportRequestResult <optional>

result code


Export content item of a ExportResult

  • Object
Name Type Description
format String

format of the exported file, e.g. stl|3dm|dxf|dwg|…

href String

download link to the exported file, time limited to the duration of the session

size Number

size in bytes of the exported file

ShapeDiver 3D Viewer, Copyright © 2015-2019 ShapeDiver GmbH. Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Wed Jul 3rd 2019 using the DocStrap template.