You are reading the documentation for the version 2 of the ShapeDiver viewer API. Free support for this viewer version will be discontinued on June 1st, 2024.

Please refer to the version 3 documentation here. See also the migration guide from version 2 to version 3 here.

Interface: ApiSceneInterface


ShapeDiver Viewer - Scene API

The scene interface is part of the global API v2 interface.

  • provides access to the camera and lights of the scene
  • allows to add, update, and remove assets in the scene
  • allows to define the interaction behavior of the geometry in the scene (hovering, selection, dragging)
  • allows to add and remove handlers for related events


addEventListener(type, callback)

Add a global event listener to the scene

Name Type Description
type SceneEventType

Type of event type to subscribe to. A scene path may be dot-appended to limit the subscription to parts of the scene.

callback EventListenerCallback

Function to be called when the event fires

Type Description

APIResponse with an EventListenerToken object. The event listener token can be used to remove the event listener by calling removeEventListener.


Converts the given 3D coordinates into various 2D coordinates

Name Type Description
position Point3d

The 3D point to convert

Type Description

A summary of the different 2D coordinates, array of summaries in case of multiple viewports, null on error

get( [filter] [, namespace] [, blnScene])

Retrieve assets from the scene

Returns scene assets corresponding to given filter criteria. The returned assets describe their original state, without persistent attributes applied.

Name Type Argument Default Description
filter SceneAssetFilter <optional>

Optional partial asset description whose properties are used as filter criteria. Most commonly, the id or name will be defined.

namespace String <optional>

By default the assets belonging to the namespace of the instance of this API will be returned. If you want to request assets owned by a plugin, specify its runtime id here.

blnScene Boolean <optional>

If true use assets with persistent attributes applied, if false (default) use the original assets without persistent attributes applied.

Type Description

API response with a data array of type SceneAsset. Contains a full description of the assets fulfilling the filter criteria. Returned data array may be empty.

getData( [filter] [, namespace])

Retrieves generic data assets from the scene, optionally limited according to certain filters

Name Type Argument Description
filter SceneAssetFilter <optional>

Optional partial asset description whose properties are used as filter criteria. Properties 'name' and 'id' will be used only, other properties will be ignored.

namespace String <optional>

By default all data assets in the scene will be returned. If you want to limit the request to data assets of a specific owner (e.g. this API instance), specify the owner's runtime id here.

Type Description

API response with a data array of type ModelDataItem. Contains all data assets fulfilling the filter criteria.


Returns all currently defined interaction groups

Type Description

APIResponse with a list of interaction groups

getPersistent( [filter] [, namespace])

Retrieve the persistent attributes of assets

Name Type Argument Description
filter SceneAssetFilter <optional>

Optional partial asset description whose properties are used as filter criteria. Most commonly, the id or name will be defined. Be aware that this filter is applied to the assets without persistent attributes applied.

namespace String <optional>

By default the persistent attributes of assets belonging to the namespace of the instance of this API will be returned. If you want to request persistent attributes of assets owned by a plugin, specify its runtime id here.

Type Description

API response with a data array of type SceneAsset. Contains persistent attributes of assets fulfilling the given filter criteria.


Get screenshot as a png data URI.

Returns a screenshot of the viewer canvas without any control elements as a data URI using the png image format.

Type Description

Data URI representing the png screeshot image (data:image/png;base64,...). Array of data URIs in case of multiple viewports.

| Array.<String>


Get scene paths of selected objects.

Type Description

Array of scene paths of selected objects.

removeAsync( [filter] [, namespace] [, payload])

Remove assets from the scene

Remove scene assets corresponding to the given filter criteria.

Name Type Argument Description
filter SceneAssetFilter <optional>

Optional partial asset description whose properties are used as filter criteria. Most commonly, the id or name will be defined.

namespace String <optional>

By default the assets belonging to the namespace of the instance of this API will be removed. If you want to remove assets owned by a plugin, specify its runtime id here.

payload * <optional>

Payload which will be passed through to the response and events related to a call of this function

Type Description

API response with a data array of type SceneAsset. Contains a full description of the removed assets before removal, persistent attributes applied.


Remove an event listener

Name Type Description
token EventListenerToken

event listener token for event listener to be removed

Type Description

APIResponse with a Boolean data, indicating whether the event listener could be removed.


Renders the scene

Except in rare cases (e.g. after updating canvas textures) there is no need to call this, as rendering will be called automatically.

updateAsync(assets [, namespace] [, payload])

Add and update assets (typically geometry) in the scene.

By default, the assets added through instances of this API live in their own namespace within the scene (one namespace per API instance, defined by its runtime id). To access and update the assets provided by a plugin, please specify the plugin runtime id as namespace.

Name Type Argument Description
assets Array.<SceneAsset>

The assets which should be added to or updated in the scene. Missing information will default to the corresponding data currently in the scene.

namespace String <optional>

By default assets belonging to the namespace of the instance of this API will be updated/added. If the asset to be updated/added is owned by a plugin, specify its runtime id here.

payload * <optional>

Payload which will be passed through to the response and events related to a call of this function

Type Description

API response with a data array of type SceneAsset. Contains a full description of the added/updated assets as shown in the scene after the update, persistent attributes applied.


Add or change an interaction group definition

Interaction groups define the behaviour of their members for hovering, selection and dragging.

Name Type Description
groups InteractionGroup | Array.<InteractionGroup>
Type Description

APIResponse with a Boolean indicating whether the interaction groups could be updated.

updatePersistentAsync(assets [, namespace] [, payload])

Define persistent attributes for scene assets which will survive and override regular updates.

By default, the assets added through instances of this API live in their own namespace within the scene (one namespace per API instance, defined by its runtime id). To access and update the assets provided by a plugin, please specify the plugin runtime id.

Name Type Argument Description
assets Array.<SceneAsset>

Any information in these asset definitions will supersede information included in updates by the respective plugin. To remove a persistent attribute, set its value to null. The 'id' attribute needs to be set in any case.

namespace String <optional>

By default persistent attributes of assets belonging to the namespace of the instance of this API will be updated/added. If the asset to be updated/added is owned by a plugin, specify its runtime id here.

payload * <optional>

Payload which will be passed through to the response and events related to a call of this function

Type Description

API response with a data array of type SceneAsset. Contains a full description of the currently configured persistent attributes of the updated assets.

updateSelected( [select] [, deselect])

Update selection status of objects.

Name Type Argument Description
select Array.<ScenePathType> <optional>

Optional list of scene paths of objects which should be selected (please note that there might be further selected objects after this update, which had already been selected)

deselect Array.<ScenePathType> <optional>

Optional list of scene paths of objects which should be deselected

Type Description

true if selection status could be set for all specified scene paths, false if at least one error occured.


<readonly> EVENTTYPE :SceneEventType

Enum for supported scene event types.

Name Type Default Description
ANCHOR_ADD SceneEventType anchor.add

anchor objects have been added to the scene

ANCHOR_REMOVE SceneEventType anchor.remove

anchor objects have been removed from the scene

DRAG_START SceneEventType drag.start

dragging of an object started

DRAG_MOVE SceneEventType drag.move

continuously fired during dragging of an object

DRAG_END SceneEventType drag.end

dragging of an object ended

HOVER_ON SceneEventType hover.on

pointing device has entered a hoverable object

HOVER_OVER SceneEventType hover.over

continuously fired during hovering of an object

HOVER_OFF SceneEventType

pointing device has left a hoverable object


beauty rendering has started


beauty rendering has been cancelled


beauty rendering has ended

SELECT_ON SceneEventType select.on

object has been selected

SELECT_OFF SceneEventType

object has been unselected

SUBSCENE_PUBLISHED SceneEventType subscene.published

a subscene has become visible in the viewer after an update or initialization

VISIBILITY_ON SceneEventType visibility.on

scene has become visible


scene has become invisible

<readonly> FORMAT :SceneAssetItemFormat

Enum for supported scene asset item formats.

Name Type Default Description
GLB SceneAssetItemFormat glb

property href of the SceneAssetItem points to a glb file (binary glTF 1.0)

OBJ SceneAssetItemFormat obj

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains an ObjMeshReference which points to a Wavefront OBJ file (supports meshes only, no lines, curves, or surfaces)

THREE SceneAssetItemFormat three

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains a ThreeGeometryReference which allows to directly add Mesh, Line, or Points objects to the scene

DATA SceneAssetItemFormat data

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains generic data (will not be displayed in the scene, but can be requested using getData)

MATERIAL SceneAssetItemFormat material

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains a material definition

TAG2D SceneAssetItemFormat tag2d

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains a Tag2d definition

TAG3D SceneAssetItemFormat tag3d

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains a Tag3d definition

ANCHOR SceneAssetItemFormat anchor

property data of the SceneAssetItem contains an anchor definition

<readonly> INTERACTIONMODETYPE :InteractionModeType

Enum for supported interaction modes. Allows to specify whether a complete asset or its individual subobjects should become selectable/hoverable/draggable.

Name Type Default Description
GLOBAL InteractionModeType global

object and subobjects are globally selectable/hoverable/draggable, i.e. all of them at the same time

SUB InteractionModeType sub

object and subobjects are individually selectable/hoverable/draggable

<readonly> SELECTIONMODETYPE :SelectionModeType

Enum for supported selection modes. Allows to specify whether a single or multiple objects within an interaction group are selectable.

Name Type Default Description
SINGLE SelectionModeType single

A single object of the interaction group can be selected, all objects of the group are deselected on a click which does not hit an object of the group.

MULTIPLE SelectionModeType multiple

Selection status of objects belonging to the interaction group is toggled by clicking on them, selection status does not change on a click which does not hit an object of the group.

Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Description
containerX Number <optional>

horizontal coordinate (according to the viewer container) of the 3D position

containerY Number <optional>

vertical coordinate (according to the viewer container) of the 3D position

clientX Number <optional>

horizontal coordinate (according to the current window, scrolling not considered) of the 3D position

clientY Number <optional>

vertical coordinate (according to the current window, scrolling not considered) of the 3D position

pageX Number <optional>

horizontal coordinate (according to the current window) of the 3D position

pageY Number <optional>

vertical coordinate (according to the current window) of the 3D position


Anchor definition

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
version String

Always '1.0'

location Point3d

The 3D point defining the location of the anchor

viewports Array.<String> <optional>

optional array of viewport runtime ids, for which the anchors shall report their position, defaults to all viewports

format String <optional>

optional format description of the anchor object, this property will be passed on to events related to the anchor, predefined formats include text and image

data Object <optional>

optional data of the anchor object, this property will be passed on to events related to the anchor, predefined objects include AnchorDataFormatText and AnchorDataFormatImage


Anchor data object for format 'image' Displays an image at the anchor location

  • Object
Name Type Description
src String
hidden Boolean

if it can be hidden by other objects (default true)

positioning.horizontal String

left, middle, right (default left)

positioning.vertical String

bottom, middle, top (default top)

height Number | String

can be given in px, or percentage of current div (default '')

width Number | String

can be given in px, or percentage of current div (default '')

alt String

alternative text, if image display fails


Anchor data object for format 'tag2d' (legacy support, use text now)

  • Object
Name Type Description
color Color
text String


Anchor data object for format 'text' Displays text at the anchor location

  • Object
Name Type Description
color Color


text String
hidden Boolean

if it can be hidden by other objects (default true)

positioning.horizontal String

left, center, right (default left)

positioning.vertical String

bottom, center, top (default top)

textAlign String

left, center, right (default left)


Interaction Effect

Defines the effect used on the active and passive objects of an interaction group during an interaction event.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
name String <optional>

The name of a predefined effect type to use. Currently 'colorHighlight' and 'opacityHighlight' are supported.

options Object <optional>

Options for the effect

Name Type Argument Default Description
color Color <optional>

Color for the 'colorHighlight' effect

opacity Number <optional>

Opacity value between 0 and 1 for the 'opacityHighlight' effect


Interaction Group

This type defines the interaction behaviour of a group of objects within the scene.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
id String

Id of the interaction group

hoverable Boolean <optional>

Will the group objects react if the user hovers over them with the mouse?

hoverEffect Object <optional>

Effects used for hovering events

Name Type Argument Description
active InteractionEffect <optional>

Effect used for the hovering object

passive InteractionEffect <optional>

Effect used for the other (non hovering) objects in the group

selectable Boolean <optional>

Will the group objects be selectable?

selectionEffect Object <optional>

Effect used for selection events

Name Type Argument Description
active InteractionEffect <optional>

Effect used for selected objects

passive InteractionEffect <optional>

Effect used for non-selected objects

selectionMode SelectionModeType <optional>

Allows to specify whether single or multiple objects belonging to the group are selectable, see SELECTIONMODETYPE for values

draggable Boolean <optional>

Will the group objects be draggable?

dragEffect Object <optional>

Effect used for dragging events

Name Type Argument Description
active InteractionEffect <optional>

Effect used for dragged objects

passive InteractionEffect <optional>

Effect used for not currently dragged objects


Interaction mode type definition, used to define whether a complete asset or its subobjects should become selectable, hoverable, or draggable, see INTERACTIONMODETYPE for values

  • String


Material version 1.0 type definition

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
version String

must be set to "1.0"

ambient Color <optional>

Ambient color. CAUTION: This property is ignored, it has been superseded.

diffuse Color

Main color

emission Color <optional>

Emissive (light) color of the material, essentially a solid color unaffected by other lighting. Default is black. CAUTION: This property is ignored, it has been superseded.

specular Color <optional>

Specular color of the material. Default is a Color set to 0x111111 (very dark grey). CAUTION: This property is ignored, it has been superseded by environment maps.

shine Number <optional>

How shiny the specular highlight is; a higher value gives a sharper highlight. Default is 30.

transparency Number <optional>

Float in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 indicating how transparent the material is. A value of 0.0 indicates fully opaque, 1.0 is fully transparent.

bitmaptexture String <optional>

Url to an image which will be used as a color texture

bumptexture String <optional>

Url to an image which will be used as a bump texture

transparencytexture String <optional>

Url to an image which will be used as a transparency texture


Material version 2.0 type definition

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
version String

must be set to "2.0"

color Color

Material color

metalness Number <optional>

How much the material is like a metal. Non-metallic materials such as wood or stone use 0.0, metallic use 1.0, with nothing (usually) in between. Default is 0.5. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 could be used for a rusty metal look. If metalnesstexture is also provided, both values are multiplied.

roughness Number <optional>

How rough the material appears. 0.0 means a smooth mirror reflection, 1.0 means fully diffuse. Default is 0.5. If roughnesstexture is also provided, both values are multiplied.

transparency Number <optional>

Float in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 indicating how transparent the material is. A value of 0.0 indicates fully opaque, 1.0 is fully transparent.

alphaThreshold Number <optional>

Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. The material will not be renderered if the opacity is lower than this value. Default is 0.

bitmaptexture String <optional>

URL to the color map. Default is null. The texture map color is modulated by the material color.

metalnesstexture String <optional>

The blue channel of this texture is used to alter the metalness of the material.

roughnesstexture String <optional>

The green channel of this texture is used to alter the roughness of the material.

bumptexture String <optional>

URL to the texture to create a bump map. The black and white values map to the perceived depth in relation to the lights. Bump doesn't actually affect the geometry of the object, only the lighting. If a normal map is defined this will be ignored.

normaltexture String <optional>

URL to the texture to create a normal map. The RGB values affect the surface normal for each pixel fragment and change the way the color is lit. Normal maps do not change the actual shape of the surface, only the lighting.

transparencytexture String <optional>

URL to the alpha map, which is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). Default is null.


Material version 3.0 type definition

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
version String

must be set to "3.0"

color Color

Material color

metalness Number <optional>

How much the material is like a metal. Non-metallic materials such as wood or stone use 0.0, metallic use 1.0, with nothing (usually) in between. Default is 0.5. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 could be used for a rusty metal look. If metalnesstexture is also provided, both values are multiplied.

roughness Number <optional>

How rough the material appears. 0.0 means a smooth mirror reflection, 1.0 means fully diffuse. Default is 0.5. If roughnesstexture is also provided, both values are multiplied.

transparency Number <optional>

Float in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 indicating how transparent the material is. A value of 0.0 indicates fully opaque, 1.0 is fully transparent.

alphaThreshold Number <optional>

Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. The material will not be renderered if the opacity is lower than this value. Default is 0.

shadowOpacity Number <optional>

The adjustement for the opacity of the shadow. Default is 1.

lightReflectivity Number <optional>

The amount the light is reflected in metal-like surfaces. Default is 1.

threeDNoise ThreeDNoise <optional>

The options for the 3D Noise effect that can optionally be turned on using its opacity.

bitmaptexture Texture <optional>

URL to the color map. Default is null. The texture map color is modulated by the material color.

metalnesstexture Texture <optional>

The blue channel of this texture is used to alter the metalness of the material.

roughnesstexture Texture <optional>

The green channel of this texture is used to alter the roughness of the material.

bumptexture Texture <optional>

URL to the texture to create a bump map. The black and white values map to the perceived depth in relation to the lights. Bump doesn't actually affect the geometry of the object, only the lighting. If a normal map is defined this will be ignored.

normaltexture Texture <optional>

URL to the texture to create a normal map. The RGB values affect the surface normal for each pixel fragment and change the way the color is lit. Normal maps do not change the actual shape of the surface, only the lighting.

transparencytexture Texture <optional>

URL to the alpha map, which is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). Default is null.


Scene data item - generic data attached to the scene

  • Object
Name Type Description
name String

name of the data item

id String

unique id of the data item

plugin String

plugin runtime id this item belongs to

data *

the data


OBJ reference

  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
objUrl String

A string containing the path/URL of the .obj file.

mtlUrl String <optional>

A string containing the path/URL of the .mtl file.

path String <optional>

Set base path for resolving references. If set this path will be prepended to each loaded and found reference.

texturePath String <optional>

If set this path will be prepended found texture reference. If not set and setPath is, it will be used as texture base path.

side String <optional>

The sidedness to use for the mesh, one of 'front', 'back', 'double'


Scene asset

This definition describes an asset containing geometry and/or materials.

If an asset contains no material data, it may instead link to another asset which does. This makes it possible to replace geometry and materials separately - if a material is replaced, that change is reflected in all the geometry objects which link to it.

All properties can be optional depending on the context.

If the API returns an asset, it usually includes all properties.

For geometry updates one can send only the properties which need to be changed, along with the id of the object to be changed.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
id String

The unique id of this asset. Ids of existing assets can be retrieved using get. This id should be remembered to reference the asset later, e.g. to update or remove it.

name String <optional>

The human readable name of the asset

group String <optional>

If provided, defines into which group this asset belongs. Default is 'Default'.

material String <optional>

Id of the material asset to be used for the geometry defined by this asset. Can be ommited if this asset contains its own materials, or if the geometry in this asset has embedded materials.

version String <optional>

Unique version id of this asset. If the same asset is provided again later with the same version id, caching might improve performance.

bbmin Point3dArray <optional>

Minimum coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box of the geometry in this asset. If not provided, this will be computed. Not used for material assets. Set this to null when updating geometry and you don't know the updated bounding box, which will cause the bounding box to be recomputed in the viewer. If you don't do this, the previous bounding box information will persist.

bbmax Point3dArray <optional>

Maximum coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box of the geometry in this asset. If not provided, this will be computed. Not used for material assets. Set this to null when updating geometry and you don't know the updated bounding box, which will cause the bounding box to be recomputed in the viewer. If you don't do this, the previous bounding box information will persist.

content Array.<SceneAssetItem>

The geometries and materials to be added to the scene.

duration Number <optional>

Duration of transition in msec for fading in and out, defaults to 500 for replacements and 0 for addition and removal.

interactionGroup String <optional>

Specifies the id of the interaction group to which this asset belongs.

interactionMode InteractionModeType <optional>

Allows to specify whether the complete asset or its individual subobjects are selectable/hoverable/draggable. Requires an interactionGroup to be specified. See INTERACTIONMODETYPE for values.

dragPlaneNormal Point3d | Point3dArray <optional>

Optional normal to the plane which should be used for dragging. If not specified, dragging will happen in a plane normal to the viewing direction.

addEventListener function <optional>

When the API returns an asset, it adds this function to allow registering to events limited to this specific object (scene path). Refer to the documentation of the global addEventListener function. //FIXME allow to specify a global transformation for the complete asset here


Scene asset filter - used to define filter criteria for retrieving information about assets in the scene

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
id String <optional>

Unique id of the asset.

name String <optional>

Human readable name of the asset.

group String <optional>

Group the asset belongs to.

material String <optional>

Id of the material asset to be used for the geometry defined by this asset.

version String <optional>

Unique version id of this asset.

duration Number <optional>

Duration of transition in msec for fading in and out.

interactionGroup String <optional>

Id of the interaction group to which this asset belongs.


Scene asset item - each scene asset can have multiple items

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
format SceneAssetItemFormat
href String <optional>

Link to the geometry data. Either this property or the 'data' property must be provided.

data Anchor | Tag2d | Tag3d | MaterialV1 | MaterialV2 | MaterialV3 | ObjMeshReference | ThreeGeometryReference | * <optional>

Data as defined by the 'format' property.

transformations Array.<Transformation> <optional>

Optional property defining the transformation matrices to be used for displaying instances of this output. If this property exists it must contain at least one transformation. CAUTION: These transformations are only applied to asset items whose format is 'glb', 'obj', and 'three'.


Scene asset item format, see FORMAT for values

  • String


Scene event type, see EVENTTYPE for values

  • String


Selection type, see SELECTIONMODETYPE for values

  • String


2d text tag definition

  • Object
Name Type Description
version String

Always '1.0'

color Color

[r,g,b,a] array of numbers between 0-255

text String

The text of the 2d tag

location Object

The point defining the location of the 2d tag

Name Type Description
X Number
Y Number
Z Number


3d text tag definition

  • Object
Name Type Description
version String

Always '1.0'

justification String

One of ['BL','BC','BR','ML','MC','MR','TL','TC','TR']

color Color

[r,g,b,a] array of numbers between 0-255

size Number

Text size in model units

text String

The text for the tag

location Object

The plane defining the 3d tag's position and orientation in the scene

Name Type Description
origin Object
Name Type Description
X Number
Y Number
Z Number
normal Object
Name Type Description
X Number
Y Number
Z Number
xAxis Object
Name Type Description
X Number
Y Number
Z Number
yAxis Object
Name Type Description
X Number
Y Number
Z Number


Texture type definition

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
href String <optional>

Link to the bitmap to be used as texture, either href or canvas must be specified

canvas Object <optional>

Canvas to be used as texture, either href or canvas must be specified

offset Array.<Number> <optional>

Offset used on uv coordinates for this texture, in each direction U and V. CAUTION: This updates the texture coordinates, be aware of this when using several textures for one mesh.

repeat Array.<Number> <optional>

How many times the texture is repeated across the surface, in each direction U and V. CAUTION: This updates the texture coordinates, be aware of this when using several textures for one mesh.

rotation Number <optional>

How much the texture is rotated around the center point, in radians. Positive values are counter-clockwise. Default is 0. CAUTION: This updates the texture coordinates, be aware of this when using several textures for one mesh.

center Array.<Number> <optional>

The point around which rotation occurs. A value of (0.5, 0.5) corresponds to the center of the texture. Default is (0, 0), the lower left. CAUTION: This updates the texture coordinates, be aware of this when using several textures for one mesh.


3D Noise description

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
opacity Number <optional>

The opacity of this effect, where a value of 0 disables this effect (default: 0.0)

noiseID Number <optional>

The ID for the noise function that is used (range: 0-3, default: 0)

scale Number <optional>

The scale of the noise (default: 1.0)

distance Number <optional>

The amount the noise fades with distance (default: 0.0)


THREE geometry reference

  • Object
Name Type Description
threeObject THREE.Mesh | THREE.Line | THREE.Points

A THREE object, Mesh, Line, or Points are supported


Transformation matrix - Array containing the 16 elements of a 4x4 matrix in row-major format, or a THREE.Matrix4.

  • Array.<Number> | THREE.Matrix4
ShapeDiver 3D Viewer, Copyright © 2015-2018 ShapeDiver GmbH. Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Sun Dec 16th 2018 using the DocStrap template.